Can I cry now? Is that allowed? Do I have time for that even??
At first I complained that I wouldn't get enough hours to support my family.. Things finally balanced out and now they are changing things
Short notice, tomorrow is my only day off.. I have to work 37 hours next week. Sure, for the most part this may seem like a good thing. But we were living just
fine off of me working 28 hours a week, and even that made me stressed and tired. 37 hours? I work six days straight.. I don't know If my body can handle that.. I want to cry just thinking about it.. Then, after this week I was told I will probably be working 9 - 6, five days a week. Maybe, they don't know yet.. I currently worked 10 - 5, four days a week.. It was a good thing.
My boyfriend works nights.. So on the days I work and he did as well, he would come home and sleep for two hours to take the edge off before I had to leave. Then he would sleep right when I got home if he had to work that night or stay up and come to bed with me if he didn't. We were getting some structure down...
Now, if I have to work those hours he has to stay up and wait till I get home after work to nap because he needs to watch our son. I have to walk home, takes about a half hour/fourty five minuets.. That meens I wont sleep till' about seven and then have to get up at eleven thirty to work.. Then do it all over agian. He wont have time to sleep!
So, not only am I worried about my already frail body falling deeper.. but im worried about my boyfriends health and in turn our son's for having to deal with cranky, over worked parents and not getting to go outside as often as he should because we are to tired or don't have time.
So, really.. Are these extra hours, for extra money to go to luxury's we wont have time for, worth it? No, I don't think so..